Workout of the Week


Full Body Workout

This workout is going to work every muscle group in your body, from the bottom to the top, and everything in between. You are going to alternate between lower body, and upper body, working each muscle group until you meet in the middle for a final core exercise to round out the circuit.  You’ll start with your calves, move to your shoulders, then quads, chest, hamstring, back, and so on.  After 4 rounds of this circuit, every muscle in your body will be happy  and strong (read: jello-y). 

Start with 15 reps for the first round, and then decrease each round to 12, 10, and 8 reps. Good luck!


30 double foot lateral hops (on each side.  do 30 each round.):  find a line on the floor, or make one, and do tiny hops laterally up and over keeping both feet together

15 lateral shoulder raise

15 squats (holding weights)

15 chest press (on the physioball, bench, or machine)

15 dead lift: holding weight in front of you, keep your shoulder blades squeezing together and a long spine.  With a slight bend in your knee and straight arms, hinge forward and press your hips back towards the wall behind you.  Use your hamstrings and butt to stand back up.

15 reverse fly:  feet shoulder width apart, hinge at the hips, stick your butt back and keep a long spine and straight arms as you do a fly driving the weights out to the side, squeezing your shoulder blades together. 

15 knee drives from floor (on each side): begin in a lunge with your right foot forward and your left leg back.  place your left knee on the floor.  drive up to standing on your right foot.  place the left knee back down on the ground.

15 bicep curls

15 plie squats

15 tricep extensions

1 minute plank (do 1 minute each round)

15 superman: lie on your stomach with arms stretched out overhead.  Lift arms and legs off the floor, squeeze at the top, then lower back down. 

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