Workout of the Week

Wall Squat Workout

In this workout you're going to spend a lot of time sitting... In a wall squat.  You'll have a circuit of exercises to do between wall squats, and a variety of fun things to do while squatting. And yes, you're legs are supposed shake like that. 


1 minute wall squat

10 rotating push ups (single count: do a push up, rotate body so you are doing a side plank on the left, then return to do a push up, rotate body so you are doing a side plank on the right.)
10 lateral raise
10 lunge row (in each side)
10 overhead press
10 dips
10 sprinters on each side (lie on back with legs outstretched and arms by your sides. Lift your chest, drive your right knee to your chest and drive your left arm like your sprinting. Lie back down and repeat with left leg and right arm)

1 minute wall squat with alternating bicep curl using light weight

Complete circuit

1 minute wall squat with alternating punches using light weight 

Complete circuit 

1 minute wall squat with torso rotation holding weight- try to tap wall on either side

Complete circuit

1 minute wall squat with overhead raise holding 1 weight in both hands- touch wall overhead and keep arms straight the whole time

Complete circuit

2 minute wall squat 

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