One Quick Way to Eliminate Unnecessary Calories


One Quick Way to Eliminate Unnecessary Calories

Here’s a really quick and easy way to eliminate unnecessary calories in your day.  You ready?  Don’t drink your calories.  That’s right.  It’s that simple. 

In addition to all of the unnecessary calories, beverages can be packed full of sugar, which is one of the worst ways to consume the sweet stuff.  The sugar in drinks enters your blood stream much quicker than it would if you were to eat something that contained sugar because there is nothing to slow it down (think fiber, fat, protein from foods that your body has to work to digest).  It’s just a straight shot right into your blood stream which sends a big message to your body to store fat.  So, not only are you consuming unnecessary, excess calories that may be stored as fat, your telling your body to hurry up and put them there!

So what drinks am I talking about?  All of them – juice (yes, even the “healthy”, fancy, expensive, green kinds), sweetened iced tea, soda, sports drinks, alcohol, lemonade, diet beverages (these are just as bad as the regular kind), artificially flavored water, coffee drinks (not regular coffee, I wouldn’t do that to you), and anything in between. 

All you actually need to drink is, you guessed it, water.  You need water to survive, it’s what keeps you alive, your cells need it, your brain needs it, your muscles need it, everything needs water to do its job. 

But water is so boring!  I know that’s what you’re thinking.  Well, learn to love it.  Add some fresh lemon, your own fresh fruit and mint try a sparkling water like this one, or have your tea without any sweetener in it. Give it a try.  Just for one day, drink nothing other than water.  Aim for at least 64 ounces and see how you feel.

Think about your day.  What calories and sugar are you drinking?  What would happen if you didn’t drink those empty calories?  Maybe it’s worth a try!  

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Workout of the Week